S-23 Swole Description
Product name: S-23
Short name: Swole
Molecular Formula: C18H13ClF4N2O3
Concentration: 25mg/ml
Volume: 30ml
Cycle length: 4 weeks
PCT required: Yes
Want to buy S-23 Swole in Australia? You’ve come to the right place! Visit our store and find the best prices to buy S-23 Swole in Australia!
S-23 is a new generation selective androgen receptor modulator(SARM) originally developed by GTX, Inc as a potential male hormonal product. S-23 binds to the androgen receptor more strongly than older compounds such as S-4 or MK-2866. With a Ki of 1.7 nM, studies have shown a good ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects.
Due to its strength and effectiveness, S-3 has become a recent compound of choice for practitioners seeking to achieve significant mass, including muscle mass, strength, bone density, and lean growth as an overall outcome/objective.
Let’s dive into each benefit for a deeper understanding.
S-23 Swole Benefits
Increased Muscle Mass
S-23 Swole boosts your muscle hypertrophy rate. And that effect helps you bulk up to become stronger and faster. How? You’ll get those results when the drug binds to receptors on your muscle cells. That process boosts your muscle protein synthesis leading to massive gains.
More Strength
The product is a potent SARM that helps you lift heavier weights and endure more in the gym. Remember to combine S-23 Swole with a good workout and diet regimen. And you’ll be unstoppable at breaking new records in deadlifts, squats, and the bench press.
You would get those gains from using steroids. However, you won’t experience any of the life-threatening side effects such as prostatic cancer and liver toxicity with the product.
Get Lean Fast
People using S-23 Swole report losing weight fast. And they also say that the drug is good for building muscle while losing fat. Therefore, you don’t have to sacrifice your aesthetic physique if you’re a bodybuilder. You’ll also experience fuller pumps at the gym and increased vascularity after taking the SARM.
Increase Your Recovery Rate
Imagine exceeding your work capacity at the gym, recovering overnight, and then repeating the same cycle. Imagine the gains you’ll have made in a few months to a year. After using the product, that kind of body, endurance, and strength are what you’ll get.
You’ll also improve your sexual stamina. So buy S-23 Swole, and your body and partner will thank you.
Note: All EC International products are for research purposes only. No statements made on this website or blog have been evaluated by your local or international administrative or regulatory body, as our products are strictly for research purposes only. All products for sale are intended for laboratory and research use. All buyers must be a minimum of 18 years to purchase these products. These products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. Please refer to our product use and disclaimer for more information.